Indian Institute of Technology IndoreDepartment of Mathematicsorganizes a7-day High-End Workshop onBifurcations and Chaos: Computations and ApplicationsDates: July 3 – July 9, 2023Sponsored bySERB under KARYASHALAscheme
Archives: Events
10th Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications
Welcome to ICLA 2023 March 3 – 5, 2023 ALI, the Association for Logic in India, announces the tenth edition of its biennial Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA),…
International Conference on Computational Mathematics and its Applications CMA 2019
Mathematics Training and Talent Search Programme (MTTS) is a fourweek intensive summer training programme been organized since 1993 in India. Since its inception, the programme has been funded by the…
Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP-III), MHRD
Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP-III), MHRD will be held from March 02-12, 2020. Data Science & Analytics, Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP-III), MHRD. Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme…
TEQIP-3 short-term course on Introduction to Scientific Computing in Engineering
TEQIP-3 short-term course on Introduction to Scientific Computing in Engineering On January 15-17, 2020. The training course for the workshop has been designed to provide the theoretical background in programming…